Balancing Nonprofit Dreams

Are your donations effectively accomplishing your long-term goals or being poured into a never-ending hole?
Ask these questions before you give!

Whether you are giving or receiving funds for important causes, sustainable change should be the vision.


Every nonprofit begins with a secret dream of something better. You know that vision; you know that need.

But how do you make getting the money a fun part of the process? And how do you keep the money from taking over the nonprofit need?

Give Way Visioneering guides you, the local non-profit leader to:

1.    Know what you need to get started or improve as a local non-profit entity

2.    Ask for money in a way that will work in your unique culture and circumstance

3.    Healthy, long-term sustainable fundraising strategies.

4    A Web Site you can manage yourself.

Give Way Visioneering consists of caring authorities who have worked with leaders from over 100 countries to give expertise on the topic of culturally adapting international fundraising concepts.


Need some new ideas or thoughts for renewed motivation? Read some experiences (good and bad) that might help.

Blog Topics

•    Why should poor people be asked to give to nonprofits?

•    How does one culturally adapt fundraising processes to be suitable in emerging economies?

•    When should a donor NOT give to a good cause?

•    My organization doesn’t understand what it takes to fundraise; they expect money quickly

A few things we’re great at!


Every nonprofit is completely unique. Even large nonprofits with multiple offices in different communities or countries find that each office culture is unique and has a separate set of challenges. We listen in order to envision a unique solution for your context.


Due to our global experience, there is a good chance that we’ve picked up an idea elsewhere that you may be able to use. If you like it, we’ll work with you to adapt it to your goals. Of course it won’t work exactly the same everywhere but we will work with you to adapt it to your goals.


Since no two nonprofits are the same, adaptation to the urban, rural, regional or national cultures are imperative in order to be successful. We’ve worked in about 50 countries and talked to frustrated leaders from over 100 nations. If we aren’t familiar with the situation, we’ll look for someone who can help.


We know that you want to be self-reliant and sustainable for the long-term success of your nonprofit’s vision. However, it’s always good to ask for advice. We collaborate with many organizations in networks that might have answers you need. 

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Give Way Visioneering is a virtual office and brings in expertise from a global network as needed. Go ahead and ask questions or give comments; the first interactions are certainly free.