Are you SURE you’re ready for a Fundraiser?

Are you SURE you’re ready for a Fundraiser?

(Things you can do and have in place before you hire a fundraiser)

Many non-profit organizations erroneously assume that once they can afford to bring a fundraiser on staff, all of their money problems are over! A seasoned fundraiser, however, will ensure that the organization realizes at the outset that, along with good marketing and donor service processes, it takes a few years to build a culture where new giving relationships can be established. In fact, you can start preparing your organization for a professional fundraiser by getting started without one. If any of the following ideas are difficult for your organization to accept, you know where to put some extra effort before you hire a fundraiser!
A successful fundraising culture includes:

  • Leadership willing to learn and participate in fundraising. The best fundraisers for your non-profit are those closest to the strategic vision of the organization. The more senior the leadership, the more effective the impact in revenue. A professional fundraiser serves to accelerate leadership fundraising capabilities.
  • A culture where volunteers and staff are celebrated for participating in relationship fundraising. Every person working in a non-profit is a walking billboard for the fundraising of an organization. Anyone overseeing another person in a non-profit organization must realize that their treatment of volunteers and staff will become the basis on which many potential givers will decide their charitable giving decisions. Invest in on-boarding volunteers and staff in a way that includes training to develop each person’s generous giving understanding, incl “Elevator Pitch” – a memorized, 30-second explanation of how their work positively affects the outcome of the organization.
  • Having a fundraising strategy; the fundraiser and leadership team should build a “Logic Model” that helps set the direction for the fundraising budget. This takes some time to establish but Resources + Activities = Outputs, Outcomes and Impact. This also works in reverse. What Impact, Outcomes and Outputs are you looking to accomplish? Which activities will accomplish those Outputs, and which Inputs (resources) will you need to make those Activities happen? This can help you set a realistic time and financial budget.

With a fundraising culture established, an organization can “buy” a little more time and likely, a better fundraiser! When the potential fundraiser sees a fundraising culture already in place, they will be VERY impressed to see that they won’t have to start by fighting for what they need. Instead, they will see a comprehensive support system, budget, team, and pathway already in place to start them off for efficient and effective success.